Pitfall Krave
Pitfall Harry unwittingly unleashes the Chocovores from their underground cavern. Now he has to escape their chocolatey clutches and find the pieces of the Chocovore Idol.
Type: Action
Platform: Android
Players: 1 Player
Age: Any Age
Game Time: About 1-2 minutes per level
Developer or Designer: Activision Publishing
Publisher: Activision Publishing
A chance to win prizes
Great graphics
Blatant product endorsement
Left handed mode the wrong way round
Not as many customisable features as the original
Only six levels
Krave is a fairly new chocolate flavoured cereal by Kellog's. As part of its promotional campaign, they created a set of tribal characters called the Chocovores. Their mission in life? 'Hunt chocolate. Trick chocolate. Devour chocolate. Repeat.'
To spread the word of these chocolatey beasts, Kellog's has teamed up with Activision to provide a fun new adventure for Pitfall! Harry, while at the same time, indulging in a bit of shameless advertising.
Pitfall! Harry is searching for the Chocovore Idol, but while on his quest for the ultimate chocolate source, he unwittingly unleashes the Chocovores from their underground lair. The idol gets smashed, and now all the pieces are scattered around the jungle. Harry must find and piece them all together, but with the Chocovores about, the jungle is even wilder than before.
Usually I find it annoying when products are so blatantly shoved in your face, but on this occasion, I think the game really works. The fact that the game itself is an advertisement actually has the benefit of not getting other adds popping up all over the place during gameplay.
Pitfall! Krave is pretty similar to the
original Android version , but there are a few differences. For example, instead of being an endless runner, the game is split into six levels. In each level you have to collect two idol pieces. Once you have collected all the idol pieces you have a chance of winning £10,000. While this is obviously just a way to encourage people to download the game, as long as you don't kid yourself into thinking you could possibly win anything of any worth, then it does not take away from the enjoyment of playing.
The second difference is the environment, which I actually like more in this version. The jungle has browner tones, includes underground mines, and in each level you enter a heavenly white world, in which Krave cereal is made. The collectibles and obstacles are a little different too. Instead of diamonds, you collect chocolate, and as well as snakes and crocodiles, you have to whip your way through tribes of Chocovores.
There is no time trial in this game, which is slightly disappointing, and there are not as many customisable features such as outfits. You can still use chocolate to buy power-ups, however, and it does not cost as much for an item. To use an item, you press on the on-screen symbol during gameplay.
That is where another small niggle of mine sets in. On the settings page, you can opt for 'Left-handed' mode. As a leftie, I was pleased to see this feature, thinking it would help me, but it was in fact a hinderance. In left-handed mode, all the on-screen buttons are moved to the left-hand side, but this is exactly the opposite of what you want.
For ages, I was trying to figure out why the life tonic I had bought for Harry was not coming into play. It was not until dying for about the hundredth time that I actually realised that my left hand was blocking my view of the power-up button. I couldn't see it because it was on the wrong side of the screen. I have now switched back to right-handed mode, which is actually better for left handers.
I am enjoying Pitfall! Krave more than the original, but I feel that will be short lived. There are only six levels, after which there is nothing more to do other than repeat playing. The reason for this is because it is a purely promotional game. The deadline for the prize competition is the 30th April, after which the game has served its purpose. You will still be able to play, but it will get boring after you have completed everything.
239478 - 2023-07-18 04:38:52